Monday, July 27, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla Global Regents July 31, 15

Empires and Expansion
Complete crossword puzzle and essay template.
Be prepared to discuss in class.

HW Mr. Padilla Global Regents July 30th, 15

 Empires and Expansion.

Read pages 70-74. Answer multiple choice questions and complete v-tods.
Be prepared to discuss in class.

HW Mr. Padilla Global Regents July 29th, 15

 Empires and Expansion.

Read pages 65-69. Answer multiple choice questions and complete v-tods.
Be prepared to discuss in class.

HW Mr. Padilla Global Regents July 28th, 15

Empires and Expansion.

Read pages 60-64. Answer multiple choice questions and complete v-tods.
Be prepared to discuss in class.

HW Mr. Padilla Global Regents July 27th, 15

Chapter 3: Empires and Expansion.

Read pages 54-59. Answer multiple choice questions and complete v-tods.
Be prepared to discuss in class.

Monday, July 20, 2015

HW Global Regents Prep- Mr. Padilla 7-24-15

Practice Regents Exam:
Take the entire exam.
We will review the exam together on Monday.

HW Global Regents Prep- Mr. Padilla 7-23-15

Homework Chapter 4:
Religion and Belief Systems
Religion and Belief Systems- Thematic Essay Question
Complete entire outline

HW Global Regents Prep- Mr. Padilla 7-22-15

Homework Chapter 4:
Religion and Belief Systems
Complete pages 89-94
Make sure to complete V-tods
and cross word puzzle study guide.

HW Global Regents Prep- Mr. Padilla 7-21-15

Homework Chapter 4:
Religion and Belief Systems
Complete pages 81-88
Make sure to complete V-tods.

HW Global Regents Prep- Mr. Padilla 7-20-15

Homework Chapter 4:
Religion and Belief Systems
Complete pages 73-80.
Make sure to complete V-tods.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Global Regents HW Mr. Padilla 7-17-15

Read chapter 3- section 4 

The Origins of Judaism 

complete the graph, answer questions and study the vocabulary

Global Regents HW Mr. Padilla 7-16-15

Read Chapter 3- Section 3

Seafaring Traders Extend Boundaries 

Complete graphs, answer questions & study vocabulary

Global Regents HW Mr. Padilla 7-15-15

Read Chapter 3 section 2: 

Roots of Buddhism and Hinduism

Complete graphs, answer questions, and study vocabulary.

Global Regents HW Mr. Padilla 7-14-15

Read chapter 3: 

Indo- European Migrations 

Complete graphs and study vocabulary.

Global Regents HW Mr. Padilla 7-13-15

Read and respond to questions in chapter 2: 

River Dynasties in China. 

Complete graph and take quiz at end of chapter.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Global Regents Prep HW Mr. Padilla 7-10-15

Reading Study Guide for Global Regents 

Complete Chapters 12, 13, 14, and 15. 

You must read everything and respond to every single question. 

Be prepared to discuss answers in class.

Global Regents HW Mr. Padilla 7-9-15

Reading Study Guide for Global Regents 

Complete Chapters 9, 10, and 11.

You must read everything and respond to every single question. 

Be prepared to discuss answers in class.

Global History Regents Prep HW - Mr. Padilla 7-8-15

Reading Study Guide for Global Regents 

Complete Chapters 5, 6, and 7.

You must read everything and respond to every single question. 

Be prepared to discuss answers in class.

Global History HW Mr. Padilla 7-7-15

Reading Study Guide for Global Regents 

Complete Chapters 3 and 4. 

You must read everything and respond to every single question. 

Be prepared to discuss answers in class.

HW Mr. Mateo & Mr. Padilla 7-6-71

Reading Study Guide for Global Regents 

Complete Chapters 1 and 2. 

You must read everything and respond to every single question. 

Be prepared to discuss answers in class.

HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...