Thursday, April 30, 2015

HW M.r Padilla 4-30-15

Option 1: what does it mean to make an impact? Mention one person not studied in class that you know made an impact in society. What did he/she do?
1.Option 2: write a sentence for each of the following words: Whereby; Undertake; Retaliating; withdrawal; merchants

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

HW Mr. PAdilla 4-28-15

ž1. How are  the two novels Crime and Punishment and Monster similar and different.
ž2. In your own words, give a brief summary of what you learned today about the novel Crime and Punishment.
ž 3. How are Steve and Raskolnikov alike and different. You may also draw these characters and write a sentence to describe each. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 4-24-15

Option 1: write a sentence for each of the following vocabulary words.  1.Vagabond- 2. accuser 3.Defendant- 4. Peculiar – 5.postponement- 6.legislature-
Option 2: Write a paragraph in which you summarize the story of the Scottsboro Boys and Trial.
Option 3: Make a prediction: tomorrow we will learn about the similarities between the Scottsboro Trial and Steve’s trial. Write a small paragraph in which you guess how they will be similar.
Option 4: Draw or write 3 events of the Scottsboro Boy’s story in order. Please label your drawing. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 4-20-15

“As Mr. Harmon’s attorney all I ask of you, the jury, is that you look at Steve Harmon now and remember that at this moment the American system of justice demands that you consider him innocent.  He is innocent until proven guilty. If you consider him innocent now, and by law you must, if you have not prejudiced him, then I don’t believe we will have a problem convincing you that nothing the state will produce will challenge that innocence” pg 26. 
Option 1:
Answer the Questions:
1. What is the first thing that the attorney asks the jury?
2. How should the jury consider Steve Harmon at this moment?
3. Why is it important that Steve is innocent is innocent until proven guilty?
Option 2: Read this scene above. Pretend you are an illustrator in the court and draw what is happening.
Option 3: Paraphrase the paragraph above. Right at least 2 sentences in which you tell me what is happening.

Friday, April 17, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 4/17/15

Homework: Choose one of the reading levels below to read. The ideal level is not too easy or too hard for you.  Also, answer the questions from the level you selected.

A. Monster, pg. 25
The State correctly says that the laws of a society provide protection for its citizens. When a crime is committed, it is the state that must apply the law in a manner that offers redress and that brings the guilty parties to justice. But the laws also protect the accused, and that is the wonder and beauty of the American system of justice.

1. Paraphrase this paragraph using one sentence. 

2.  What do you think “apply the law” means?

3. What do you think redress means?

4.  Do you agree that the law should protect the accused?  Why?

B. Monster, pg. 25
The State correctly says that the laws of a society provide protection for its citizens. When a crime is committed, … the state …must apply the law in a manner that offers redress …and that brings the guilty parties to justice. But the laws also protect the accused, and that is the wonder and beauty of the American system of justice.

1. What do the laws of society provide?

2. What should happen when a crime is committed?

3.  Who else should the laws protect?

4. What is special about the American system of justice?

5. Take an educated guess, what do you think redress means?

C. Monster, pg. 25
The State… says that the laws of a society provide protection for its citizens. When a crime is committed, … the state …must apply the law in a manner … that brings the guilty parties to justice. But the laws also protect the accused, and that is the wonder and beauty of the American system of justice.

1. What do the laws of society provide?

2. What should happen when a crime is committed?

3.  Who else should the laws protect?

4. What is special about the American system of justice?

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 4-15-15

Option 1: Do a google search on Alexander the great. Make a list of five interesting facts not learned in class about him.
Option 2: What were some of Alexander’s dreams? List at least 3
Option 3: Compare Alexander to any of the dreamers we have studied so far.
Option 4: How does the story of Alexander the great connect or not connect to Monster. Based on today’s lesson, can you make any connections?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 4-14-15

Option 1: Do a google search on other famous people who have used their fame to fight for human or civil rights. Write a paragraph about this person. Who is she/he? How does this person help?
Option 1A: You may  print  out pictures of famous people who have fought for human and civil rights. Write a sentence for each one stating who they are and what they did.
Option 2: Write a sentence for each of the following vocabulary words: 1. civil rights  Lamentable . Oppressor. Oppressed. Human rights

Thursday, April 2, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 4-2-15

Option 1: So far we have learned about Gandhi, MLK and Malcolm X.  What did these men fight for? How did they accomplish their goal? Or did they not?
Option 1A. You may draw option 1 instead of writing.
Option 2: Write a sentence for each of the following vocabulary words: DeploreStructurePurification- Gainsaying -engulf

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

HW Mr. Padilla 4-1-15

Option 1: today we talked about several people who made an impact and as a result are still remembered today. Mention one person from today’s lesson that you found interesting. What impact did this person leave?  Why did you choose this person?
Option 2: Write a prediction about how Monster will end.

HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...