Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mr. Padilla Global HW 5/29/14

1.Option 1: write a sentence for each of the following words: Contemporary; Plot; Climax; affect
2.Option 2: today we learned of the differences between Fahrenheit 451 movie and the book. Name 3 ways that the book and  film are different.
3. Option 3: today we learned of the differences between Fahrenheit 451 movie and the book.  Draw 3 images that show how the movie and book are different.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Global HW Mr Padilla 5/28/14

Dear parents, as you help your child with homework ask them many questions about what they learned today. A lot of times all they need is a little push and the answers come right out.
Option 1: In one paragraph, discuss if you believe if technology is making people lazy or do they need to think more. Include examples. Also use one example from the Fahrenheit 451.
Option 2: Write a list of 10 reasons why technology is good or bad for people.
Option 3: Draw a list of 10 reasons why technology is good or bad for people.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

HW Global Mr. PAdilla 5/27/14

1.Option 1: Write a sentence for each of the following words: Distraction; immense; parlor; Acronym
2.Today we learned about the theme of distractions in the novel Fahrenheit 451. Write a paragraph in which you mention some of the things that distract you. What things do you think are more important? What can you do to become more focused?
3.Today we learned about the theme of distractions in the novel Fahrenheit 451. Draw a picture in which you warn people about distractions. Include things that you consider distracting.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mr. PAdilla HW Global 5-6-14

Option 1: Write a sentence for each of the following vocabulary words: slogan, United nations, Frontiers

Option 2: Today we saw many logos.  Draw a logo that shows how you feel about oppresion (no freedom of speech)

Option 3: Connect the theme of opression in the novel to any current event today. For example, in the novel books are burned. Today in China many internet sites are censored.  Write a brief paragraph. Use examples.

Global HW 5/6/14 Mr. Padilla

Option 1: Write a sentence for each of the following vocabulary words: slogan, United nations, Frontiers

Option 2: Today we saw many logos.  Draw a logo that shows how you feel about oppresion (no freedom of speech)

Option 3: Connect the theme of opression in the novel to any current event today. For example, in the novel books are burned. Today in China many internet sites are censored.  Write a brief paragraph. Use examples.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Mr Padilla Global HW 5-2-14

Option 1
Base on today's introduction of the Novel "Fahrenheit 451" How is this world Guy Montag lives in? 
What stands out to you about this world? 
Option 2:
What did you know before the lesson began:
What did you learn by the end of the lesson?
What more would you like to learn? 

HW Mr. Padilla 6.26.18

Dear parents/guardians, It was a pleasure working with your child this academic school year 2017-18.    For those of you not attending s...